Engaging Social Emotional Learning Activities | Inclusive Spiritual Education for children | Spiritual Playdate Life Skills

Date : 2025-01-29 Spiritual Playdate for the Bahai Community Date : 2025-02-12 Making Respect Cool Again! Date : 2025-02-12 Spiritual Playdate for the Montessori Community

Life Skills

Spiritual Playdate is an inclusive, interfaith web-based program that promotes engaging, social, emotional, and spiritual learning while fostering acceptance through group Playdates at home, school, or elsewhere. Children and their parents, teachers, or mentors discover understanding, using our diverse framework of resources, which cover a wide range of LIFE SKILL TOPICS from World Religion, The Golden Rule, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Love, Sacred Spaces, Spiritual Teachers, Justice, Fear & Anxiety, Violence and Non-Violence, and many more! Our Holistic Peace Education Program delivers no specific ideology, but encourages critical thinking and cultivates respectful and engaging discussion around complex topics.

Spiritual Playdate can also serve as a curriculum or adjunct curriculum for youth organizations. In addition, many of the activities are great fun and wonderful for community building.

Life Skills

Single Session

A Safe Space to Talk About Violence

In light of the domestic terror attack on America's seat of democracy on January

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The words we think and say about ourselves are powerful. Positive words build us

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Celebrating Skin

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Mini Golden Rule

Pop-Up Playdates are single-topic, single-session Playdates that are sometimes

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Pandemic Lessons Learned

The goal of this Pop-Up Playdate is to foster healthy conversation and connectio

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Can you imagine having to flee your home on a moment's notice due to war, disast

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Spiritual Protest

People protest to draw attention to injustice -- when something isn't fair or ri

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Soul Talks
3 Sessions

Body, Mind and Soul

Humans are pretty complex beings. There's a lot that goes into making us into wh

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Bullying is so painful ... for the targeted one and the bully.  And ou

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The internet, smartphones, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter -- we're conne

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Fair & Unfair

"That's not fair!"  It seems like a childhood mantra, and it can drive

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What do you believe in?  What thoughts and actions shape your life and

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Fear & Anxiety

The boogie man under the bed and the monster in the closet aren't the only terro

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It is not always easy to say "I'm sorry" or "I forgive you," but the release of

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Does God exist?  What is God?  These are the most asked ques

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Golden Rule

"Treat others as you would like to be treated."  Did you know that the

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What does it mean when you say Thank You? In this Soul Talk, we break down grati

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Heaven & Hell

We see depictions of Heaven and Hell in movies and on TV, in art, books, and mus

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Holy Books & Sacred Texts

''Holy Books and Sacred Texts''explores the power that words have to guide us to

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People of color, women, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community, and the poor and homel

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Living & Dying

Death can be one of the most difficult topics for grown-ups to broach with the k

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Love is a word that is tossed around a lot. "I love my family, my friends, my do

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When we become peacemakers, we not only learn how to de-escalate conflict betwee

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Sacred Spaces

Have you ever been to a mosque, temple, church, synagogue or monastery? &nb

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Spiritual Teachers

There is so much universal wisdom to be discovered in the lessons of the world's

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Violence & Nonviolence

Sadly, violence is something we see far too often.  It can rear its ugly he

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World Religions

The Earth is home to a wide spectrum of people, cultures, and beliefs, and we do

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