DePaul University Author, Editor & Associate Professor of Religious Studies
Scott R. Paeth is an Associate Professor of Religious Studies at DePaul University in Chicago, IL. He works in the fields of Christian Social Ethics and Public Theology. He holds a Ph.D. from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Andover Newton Theological School. He is the author or editor of eight books, including “The Niebuhrs for Armchair Theologians” (W/JKP, 2013), “Shaping Public Theology” (Eerdmans, 2014), and “Philosophy: A Short Visual Introduction” (Fortress, 2015), “Public Theology for a Global Society: Essays in Honor of Max Stackhouse” (Eerdmans, 2010); “Exodus Church and Civil Society: Public Theology and Social Theory in the Work of Jurgen Moltmann” (Ashgate, 2008); “Who Do You Say That I Am? Christology and Identity in the United Church of Christ” (United Church Press, 2006); “Religious Perspectives on Business Ethics (Sheed & Ward, 2006)”; and “The Local Church in a Global Era: Reflections for a New Century” (Eerdmans, 2000).